gemini: the third sign of the zodiac.

gemini: the third sign of the zodiac.

gemini (♊︎) season begins may 21 and goes through june 21.

mercury, the ruler of gemini, is the planet of communication, language, and travel. mercury is named for the only roman god who could travel freely between the underworld and the 'heavens', explaining gemini's desire to maneuver between realms, chat with all kinds of folks, and run after their curiosities.

born under the twins (the dioscuri, castor and pollux, in greek mythology), this air sign is incredibly versatile. they thrive on multi-tasking and are born communicators with considerable charm. their driving force is curiosity and conversation -- they love to learn and need to keep their minds stimulated. they are bright with a quick wit and can be considered the life of the party.

drawn to careers that require communication and socialization, the more information gemini collects, the better. sharing that information later on with those close to them is a lot of fun and gemini love to further develop their relationships.

however, an opportunity for growth for a gemini includes watching what they say and to whom they say it. their desire to spread the word can get them into trouble and this sign is often stereotyped as being a huge gossip. learning what information is theirs to tell and what is better kept to themselves is a lifelong challenge for this sign.

gemini can also benefit from slowing down, staying present, and getting grounded. as an air sign that's constantly on the move, gemini can sometimes miss the slow and simple pleasures that one notices by simply being. meditation and yoga can be especially beneficial to help calm their ever-moving energy.

gemini colors are yellow and blue, pointing to their bright, creative, and intelligent selves. yellow is linked to the solar plexus chakra and mental stability, while blue is linked to the throat chakra and vocal openness.

a gemini's elder futhark rune is dagaz (ᛞ): the dawn, the day, the light of day. this can represent a stability between opposites -- the twins or the self and shadow-self in this case -- or breakthrough, awareness.

gemini is associated with the lovers card in tarot; centering on relationships and balance as well as conflict and incompatibility. as the social air sign of balance and duality, this couldn't be more perfect.

some of the cystals that can be most beneficial to our gemini people are: amazonite, clear quartz, amethyst, citrine, and lepidolite. these crystals can help gemini balance their mind, body, and spirit while eliminating and transforming negativity, protection from bad vibes, staying organized and focused, being honest, and finding inner peace.

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Being a Gemini, I can agree with all of that!
I did not know about the planet mercury, which explains a few things.

I appreciate this post!


Being a Gemini, I can agree with all of that!
I did not know about the planet mercury, which explains a few things.

I appreciate this post!


Always so informative and helpful to understanding people around me. After seeing this it definitely helped me understand some people who used to surround me. Happy to get that clarification! Thank you!!!

Brandee Rivera

Gemini is one of my big three, and I’m surrounded by Gemini in my immediate life (three of the primary people I work with plus my roommate) so I feel like I am constantly having to be a buffer of their energy…the people at work call me Zen Jen and always come to me to help them rationalize thoughts when they are being driven by emotions. I tease them all that each one of them is like a hydra where I have to deal with 5-6 personalities per person. They keep me on my toes!


My mother and mother in law are both geminis and this hits the nail right on the head for both of there personalities! 🖤

Shelby L

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