all about color magic

color magic: orange.
orange is often associated with enthusiasm, adventure, and creativity. cheerful and optimistic, it is energetic, spontaneous, and dynamic. it stimulated us mentally and physically but it can be superficial, exhibitionist,...
color magic: orange.
orange is often associated with enthusiasm, adventure, and creativity. cheerful and optimistic, it is energetic, spontaneous, and dynamic. it stimulated us mentally and physically but it can be superficial, exhibitionist,...

color magic: yellow.
yellow is a bright and happy color that represents the sun. this color is quite charming, and because seeing it can make people happy and light-hearted, it can be used in...
color magic: yellow.
yellow is a bright and happy color that represents the sun. this color is quite charming, and because seeing it can make people happy and light-hearted, it can be used in...

color magic: green.
the color green represents vegetation, richness, and fertility. this is a witch color as it is often used in rituals that involve fertility, physical, spiritual and mental growth, and healing. this color...
color magic: green.
the color green represents vegetation, richness, and fertility. this is a witch color as it is often used in rituals that involve fertility, physical, spiritual and mental growth, and healing. this color...

color magic: white.
known to some as the purest of all colors, white is serene and calming. it symbolizes new beginnings, marks a new cycle, and declutters our minds, bringing clarity to solve problems....
color magic: white.
known to some as the purest of all colors, white is serene and calming. it symbolizes new beginnings, marks a new cycle, and declutters our minds, bringing clarity to solve problems....

color magic: black.
as a powerful and versatile color, black charm with ease concealing its vulnerabilities. it calls for sophistication, elegance, protection, and strength. more often than not, black evokes authority and formality,...
color magic: black.
as a powerful and versatile color, black charm with ease concealing its vulnerabilities. it calls for sophistication, elegance, protection, and strength. more often than not, black evokes authority and formality,...

color magic: blue.
“feeling blue” is a term used to describe feeling sad, but blue in color magic couldn’t be further from sorrow. blue symbolizes harmony, healing, creativity, focus, and patience. associated with...
color magic: blue.
“feeling blue” is a term used to describe feeling sad, but blue in color magic couldn’t be further from sorrow. blue symbolizes harmony, healing, creativity, focus, and patience. associated with...