Recycle and refill program!

At a witch and a fae, our world around us is very important. We actively both in our personal lives and in our business are constantly taking steps to live and give the option for more sustainable living. From a business standpoint that can be very challenging. We try our best to find the most eco-friendly options but that isn’t always a cut and dry thing. Some of our products — for the sake of shipping costs and safety — we have in plastic containers. That being said, we are very excited to announce our new recycle program

So I know what you are thinking. What does that even mean? Well for our shop, that means a big portion of our handmade products will now have an option to have their empty containers be sent back to us to either be refilled, or to donate to the shop. Now with that comes the unfun topic of shipping costs. As much as we would love to pay for everyone to be able to do this, we can’t — however, we are going to be offering discounts on all refills, and store credit for all donations! We do ask before you send out anything to us you send us an email with what is being sent back and the quantities as well as if there are refills and what you want in them. If we do not receive one we will assume it is a donation. Now, what are we going to be accepting?

  • First and foremost, clean containers. Please make sure you have washed your container and cleaned out any remaining product before sending it back to us for sanitary purposes. We will be re-washing and sterilizing all containers again, but having them sent to us clean makes our lives so much easier and saves a lot of time. 

  • Next we ask that you only send back containers from the following list:


-any tins

-lotion bottles

-room spray bottles

-scrub containers

Most, if not all of our other products are in sustainable packaging or will be switched out to sustainable packaging in the near future. If you have any bubble wrap, tissue paper, packing paper, biodegradable packing peanuts that you want to send back for us to reuse by all means please do. This helps us make the bubble wrap more than just a single-use plastic. If there are ever any questions on what we will accept outside of this list please send us an email and we will let you know! 

Here is a break down of what the discounts and credits will be done! 


  • all returned lotion bottles for a refill will recieve $5 off of said refill! So instead of $15 a lotion they will be $10 a lotion. 

  • all tin items returned to us will receive $2-$5 off( depending on size and product).

  • room sprays will get get $3 off for refills per bottle. 
  • scrub containers will get a $3 off for refills. 


    • you will get a $4 credit for every scrub and room mist container.
  • you will get a $3 credit for all plastic lotion bottles.
  • you will get a $2-$4 credit for all tins( depending upon size). 

  • Shop credits will be issued per box scent back to us in the form of an egift card for the shop. We will send you an email IF we have you on file! Otherwise you will still receive the automated one from the shop! 

    Again, all containers need to be cleaned and if you are able to get the label off for any donations please try to! These extra steps are greatly appreciated and help us save time cleaning so we can spend more making for you all! We are very excited and if you have any questions will don’t hesitate to reach out!