mercury retrograde remedy

mercury retrograde remedy

approximately three times a year, for around three weeks each time, mercury slows down and appears to move backward as it passes the earth. in astrology, mercury is the planet of communication, expression, travel, and technology, and there may be an increased risk of miscommunication and mishaps when it is in retrograde. yet this is also the ideal time to look back with the benefit of hindsight and revisit, review, or renew previous commitments.

during this time period, you will need patience.

  1. find out when mercury is next in retrograde.
  2. make 'proceed with caution' your mantra during this period and bear in mind the following considerations:
  • pay extra care to all written communications and rereading them before pressing send.
  • pause and think before you speak.
  • leave early when traveling to give yourself extra time in case of a mishap.
  • forgive yourself and others and resolve any unfinished business with friends and acquaintances.
  • tie up any other loose ends.
  • use your reflections on the past to inform plans for the future.
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