reconnect to earth exercise

reconnect to earth exercise

the earth is full of energy and connecting with that energy can nourish and balance mind, body, and spirit. direct physical contact with the earth through 'earthing' -- a healer's term for barefoot walking -- has been shown to boost health. earthing will speak most clearly to the earth signs taurus, virgo, and capricorn, but it will have positive effects on all who use it and is particularly helpful when the sun is passing through an earth sign. pick early morning or evening when the sun rises or sets to maximize the benefits.

when the weather is ideal, whatever that looks like to you, head outside to a place you can safely walk barefoot. as you walk, notice how the soles of your feet feel as they make direct contact with the earth. if you enjoy the natural reconnection and feel more grounded in the days that follow, let this incentivize you to try longer periods of earthing.

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